Dispatch Procedures


Upon becoming unemployed*, all applicants will sign in on the proper Referral Book IN PERSON.

Hours to sign the out-of-work list are between 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MONDAY through FRIDAY, excluding Holidays.

(a)      Please fill out the sign-in sheet, time stamp the sign-in sheet with the time clock, and place the sign-in sheet either at the basket at the front desk or the basket at the dispatch window if the dispatcher is in.

(b)      Please remember to fill in all of spaces including your last employer and termination date.

(c)      To receive a Travel Letter, a member must first register on the out of work list.

*The definition of unemployed is “not working in the electrical industry, but seeking work in the electrical industry.”


Dispatch hours are 8:00 a.m. for job calls, excluding emergencies. You must sign the day book before 8:00 a.m. to be eligible to take a call that day.

The Business Manager is responsible to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by employers.  This means in an emergency, referral may have to be made outside normal hours using whatever means are available to fill calls and place registrants.

An individual must have all of his/her certification(s) at the time of dispatch and be able to provide them to the employer on the first day of work.

i.e I-9 Documents, State Certification, Welder and/or Instrumentation Certifications


In order to remain current on the referral list, an applicant must re-sign by one of the following; In person, e-mail, fax or by mail, between the 10th and 16th of each month from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. When the 16th of the month falls on a weekend or a holiday, it shall be moved to the next business day. Failure to follow this procedure may cause you to lose your place on the out-of-work list.

An individual that is on the books for a year or more must re-sign in person at least once in 12 months of their sign in date.

The exceptions to re-signing would be proof of Jury Duty or Military Duty.

To re-sign by e-mail the address is re-sign@ibewlu302.com This is the only e-mail address to be used. When e-mailing your re-sign form, all of the information on the fax form must be included.

To re-sign by fax, the number is (925) 228-0764.


An applicant who is referred to an Employer, and through no fault of his/her own receives an eighty (80) hour or less call shallupon re-registration, be restored to his/her appropriate place on the out-of-work list.  On such short calls, any overtime worked will not be counted towards the eighty-hour maximum.

“Rolling Short Calls” When a short call is filled, the next short call will begin with the person who was after the previous short call that was filled.

Re-sign after a short call may be done by phone. Members must call the Dispatcher as soon as possible after being laid off.


Registrants will be allowed two (2) turndowns without penalty and will be rolled to the bottom of the book for the third (3) turndown.  The exception to a refusal of a job opportunity would be: Disability, Residential, Maintenance Work, Vacation (must register with the Dispatcher before taking a vacation which is one week per unemployment period) or Specialty Calls – i.e., Welder, Instrumentation Shift Work, and Authorized Early Calls.

Applicants may also register with the dispatcher for a “No Refinery” exemption.  This exemption will become effective with dispatch the following day and may be removed at any time, after taking a long call.  

Any person that takes a short call will have their strikes removed, if they have any at the time of dispatch.

There shall be no strikes for short calls.


Members placing their name on the book under “disability” must do so within one week of the injury. Medical Work Status Reports will be needed in order to keep you on the books under “disability.”


A member receiving disbursements from the Local Pension are not eligible to sign or remain on the out of work list. By accepting the Local Pension, the member confirms that he/she is not actively seeking work in the electrical industry.